Sunday 21 February 2016

Don't Give Up!

Hello and welcome back to another day of my latest addiction with alcohol inks.
I am thrilled that so many of you are now getting your mitts on these amazing inks. Apparently Tim Holtz / Rangers is bringing out his version of Yupo so hopefully those who are struggling to get hold of this magical 'paper' will soon be able to more easily. 

I've had lots of comments from people who are currently playing with their inks but feel they're just creating a mess. Please! Please! Please don't throw away your mess....leave it...walk away...even for a few days, then take another look. Trust me, I've got quite a pile of 'mess' that I use for experimenting on, testing pens, glitters and stamps. However, some messes can become something special. 

Honestly, I've waited all weekend for time to play, I had a bit of me-time and my mojo decided to do a runner. I could have I dripped ink, tilted the colours this way & that, dripped more colour, puffed here & there, sighed a LOT, added some more colour and droplets of blending solution and sat back HUGELY disappointed. 
It looked like a giant nosebleed or a hideous crime scene.

With nothing to lose, I thought I'd just add white 'doodly' dots and before I knew it, my mess was transformed, my mood lifted and even my biggest critique gave me the thumbs up.
So my message is don't chuck anything away. Use it as test papers and even better share it with me or someone else. Sometimes somebody will see a right cracker in your disaster and something amazing will appear.
I'd love to see what you're up to.


cuilliesocks said...

Hi Jane, stunning colours and so agree with your thoughts on a mess, another fabulous card.
I've got my paper on order, but the inks will have to wait a while, have a great day. Kate x

Linda w said...

Wonderful cards. I definitely have to try this technique. Thank you for sharing...

Elaine Wakeling said...

I so needed to read this post today! I am hugely disappointed with my alcohol ink creation this morning but maybe tomorrow I’ll see something in it and it’ll become an unexpected masterpiece! Thank you! Love your card by the way!

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