Saturday 10 September 2011

Back From the Hills...

Yes I'm back from the hills but with more hideous spider tales to scare the b-jeepers outta you!
Just as I thought it was safe to return, my OH found another of those darned tarantula-like critters in the sink this morning but as he plunged his hand in to 'save' it (huh!!) he had to break the web it had spun across the flamin' sink. What the heck was it hoping to catch...ME!!!???
As he chucked it out the door he saw it throw out a web to break its your skin crawling yet?
So a 'perty' card to take your mind off the above... a scalloped die-cut centred card with a selection of punched out flowers n' foliage using Nellie Snellen & X-Cut punches with glittery peel-off centres.
Can't to re-silicon seal the entire house...


Kim said...

Beautiful card Jane! Love it!

heidy said...

Hi Jane,oh Im so scared of spiders,walking my rounds with the post,in every garden there are more than 10 and I'm waving with the post because if I don't do that I walk in every web with my face yak.
Your card is gorgeous!
Hugs Heidy

Tracey said...

Those darn spiders seem to be everywhere lately lol
Love your perty card Jane :)

Marlene said...

Thank God you posted a pretty card. It's bad enough I'm going to bed in a few minutes with visions of hairy spiders in my head, no thanks to you.

Julie said...

This is so pretty Jane - great design!! I'm not quite this scared of spids but my boss at work is like you, methinks!! She physically gags if she thinks one's anywhere near!! Juliexx

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