Friday 31 December 2010

Saturday 25 December 2010

Happiness is.........

Happiness is...finding more shiny, new ProMarkers in your Xmas Stocking & spending the night colouring in your New Blank ProMarker chart available....Here, then comparing it to the colour chart available...Here.
Heavy Sigh!

Friday 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

A quick posting of my last Xmas cards for 2010.
I'd like to wish you ALL a Merry Christmas xxxx

Sunday 19 December 2010

"Snow" posting for a few days & Flu Top Tips

Sorry posting or commenting for a few days as the Flu-lurgy has hit the Kids & my OH!
Have cast aside my crafty hat for a rather attractive Nursey Outfit...(it's not a pretty sight I tell yer!).

Top Tips for avoiding the flu -
1. Do NOT go outside
2. Do not communicate with anyone
3. Do not touch anything else touched by others
4. Wear a bag over your head

Say Healthy! Stay Happy! Stay Safe!

Friday 17 December 2010

Poinsettia Droop Top Tips

Firstly may I officially apologise to all those peeps who have been directed to my wee bloglet regarding their Drooping Poinsettia's. The number of hits has now reached epic proportions & I feel that I really should provide some kind of advice to those with ailing plants.
1. Keep your Poinsettia in the store that you bought it from where it looked lovely n' lush in the first place!
2. Don't bother to water or feed as the nice lady / man in the shop will do it for you.
3. All plants like to be talked to (according to Prince Charles & he should know being a Royal-Type-Person with a big crown), so say "Hello" each time you visit the shop.
4. If you must take your Poinsettia home use glue to stick any dropping leaves & red-bits back on the stems .
5. Use green coloured pipe-cleaners to hold the stems upright (there are a variety of ProMarker pens available to colour in white pipe-cleaners although I'm not sure if there is one called "Poinsettia Stem Colour", you'll need to check with Letraset (the manufacturers).
6. Consider next year a plastic version.
My card today is for all those who may wish to complain about their wilting plants or any other crazy issues that worm their way into our lives. This was made for a chum who's had her fair share lately of insane peeps to write to. This is "Checking FB" from the awesomeness that is Mo's Digital Pencil, dottily coloured with a selection of orange & pink ProMarkers, I think the DP is DCWV with a flower embellie with a huge gem centre.

Entering it at -
ABC - Challenge - J for Jewel
Papertake Weekly - Christmas Birthdays
Passion For ProMarkers - Anything Goes

Thursday 16 December 2010

Horticultural Advice

Sorry card today but I can't believe the number hits I've had this week following my recent posting about Poinsettia Droop found...HERE! 
Let's see what todays Post Title brings...I may have to start watching Gardeners' World

Wednesday 15 December 2010


OMG! 10 days til' Christmas...PANIC!!!
My card today is one of my fav's coz it meant I could use my Basic Grey Indian Summer stash again...The leaves were cut out using my Marianne Design Open Flower Classic die-cut gadget...oh! I love these too!!! The digi is the Owl again from Pollycraft. coloured with a variety of brown PM's and it's all had a good ol' dollop of gold glitter with Making Memories gold, glitter lettering .
Heard another joke yesterday (apol's to my Facebook chums that I shared it with yesterday & who gave me the "tumbleweed" reaction!)
There's a mushroom coming to us for Christmas...he's such a fungi!!

Entering it at -
Stamp, Scrap & Doodle - Monochromatic (browns)
Bee-Crafty - Winter
Alphabet Challenge - G-Glitter
Stamp Something - Digi Challenge
Passion For ProMarkers - Anything Goes
Bunny Zoe's - Sparkle & Shine
Making it with Meslyn - Show Us Your Best
Creative Card Crew - Anything Goes

Crafty Cardmakers - First & Latest...this is a fab yet cringing challenge to show your latest creation & one of the first cards you ever made. And coz I'm so embarassed I've put one of mine at the bottom of my post hoping that you'll be too bored to scroll down this far...oh the shame!!!

Move along! Move along! Please don't spend too long gawping at this hideous card...I can't bear it!!!

Tuesday 14 December 2010

I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat...

Apologies for the rubbish cracker joke yersterday. I have now found what is apparently the Best Joke In the World according to the University Of Hertfordshire which is scarily up the the road from think that eminent peeps are researching such things is a joke in itself!! it is...brace yourselves!
A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: “My friend is dead! What can I do?”
The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: “Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard.
The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: “OK, now what?“
To find the Best Joke From Your Country go HERE.

My card today was made using some gorgeous peel-off cats mounted with foam pads with red gem collars, the DP is from DCWV and finished with silver card candy snow!

Entering it here -
A Spoon Full of Sugar - Christmas Card

Monday 13 December 2010

It's a Cracker!!

Why do kids get so excited about Christmas Crackers? It's obviously not the tissue paper hat coz only Grandmas look cool in them, the "toy" is a 10 second-wonder (unless of course it's already disappeared in all the paper n' card that now fills your table!), maybe the fumes from the smoldering "BANG!" give them a happy high or it could be the outrageous jokes that raise nothing more than a sigh from the grow'd-ups. So today I bring you a Festive Cracker Joke to get you in the mood...enjoy!
Why was Santa's little helper feeling depressed? He had low elf-esteem.

Another Xmassy card using one of Ms Sassy Cheryls brilliant digi's, coloured with PM's with a decoupaged scarf & nose with "oodles" of glitter.

Entering it at -
Cupcake Craft - Non-Traditional Christmas
Allsorts Challenge - Last Minute Christmas

Friday 10 December 2010


Ladies of a Nervous Disposition LOOK AWAY!!!
If this is your "thang" tell your fella the loft needs lagging! "early" night me-thinks!!

It's a Man's World....

Yep! That space between the bedroom ceiling & the roof tiles is a Man's World & that's where my OH will be spending the day. The "Insulation Police" have been round & we need more of the Itchy-Stuff to help keep us cosy & warm.
Last weekend whilst helping to empty the loft I accidentally left the poor chap trapped up there bursting for a wee, without a ladder to get down. I'd taken the ladder away as my job was to run backwards & forwards from the car, back up to the landing with huge bags of fluff to pass up thru' the weeny gap where OH stood waiting. Whilst getting one bag outta the car a neighbour came over & started chatting about a recent bereavement. She was so upset & about 15 mins later I realised I'd forgotten about my OH who was stranded in the loft!!! Oh the look on his face when I did eventually return...PRICELESS!!
My card today was made for a fellow blogger (Stampin' Fluff), who has moved house, using another gorgeous digi from Make It Crafty, the DP is from my fav' DP-ever, ever, ever, the Basic Grey Indian Summer collection & I've used my Marianne Design Die-cutting-thingy-m-bob to make leafy embellishments & it's all coated in red & copper glitter.

Entering it at -
Alphabet Challenge - G for Glitter
Character Cafe - Glitter Glitter Glitter

Thursday 9 December 2010

Merry 9th of December Everybody!!

What a Bummer to have your Birthday so near to Christmas!!!
I know how hard it is struggling to think what to buy Oliver for Xmas knowing that 3 weeks later it's gonna be his Birthday! Only this morning he reminded me how unfair it is that any money he gets for Xmas he's then asked to hang onto til' after his B'Day before he can go shopping. Of course I blamed his father for gettin' jiggy at the wrong time of selfish!!
I've had my eye on this digi from the awesomeness that is Mo manning over at Mo's Digital Pencil for quite some time & at last an opportunity to purchase it ( and a "few" others) came along! Coloured with PM's, with glittery highlights & mounted on an embossed frame with the DP from Doodlebug & a flower embellie.

Entering it at -
I Love ProMarkers - Christmas Carol / Song - Snow is falling
Digital Tuesday - Baby, It's Cold Outside
Mo's Digital Challenge - Winter Wonderland

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Poinsettia Droop

My Christmas poinsettia, guaranteed to last til' January 6th by Mr Tesco is NOT gonna make it!! Me thinks the guarantee only covered the poor thing if it stayed put in the nice warm shop and didn't have to face the Arctic conditions that blew across the car-park when I bought it. I have a handful of green leaves left and a few twiggy stems...if anyone has a Poinsettia Resuscitation Gadget to hand, send it round pronto!
Todays card was made using a digi from Pollycraft, coloured with PM's & Stickles, the DP is from DCWV with red gem snow (random I know!) and a wee bow (Eat yer heart out MINA!!!)

Entering it at -
Cupcake Craft - Little Red Robin
Lollipop Crafts - Welcome WInter

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Fairy Lights...

Ahoy Me Hearty's!
Have spent the past few days entangled in Fairy Lights! It all started when I sent my OH up into the loft to dig out the Xmas decorations (way too cold, damp n' cobwebby for a "lady" to do, plus it meant climbing onto the 2nd rung of the ladder...WOAH!!!) One new set of lights refused to work, one set was dangerously HOT and another set had myseriously shrunk by about10 feet and wouldn't reach round the whole room like they've done every year before !!?? Anyway we're now using up 90% of the National Grids electricity supply, the house looks pretty and the kids are happy!
My card today was a special request for a Scottish themed Xmas card. Using a fab digi from Sassy Cheryl, I've coloured her with ProMarkers, paper-pieced her outfit & used the same DP from the Basic Grey June Bug collection for the background with silver snowflake embellies.

Entering it at -
ABC Christmas - Yuletide (red & green)
Ellephantastic - Red & Green / St Andrew's day
Passion For ProMarkers - Anything Goes
The Secret Crafter - Christmas
Sir Stampalot Challenge - Travel the World

Friday 3 December 2010

Life's a Hoot!

Yep! Life sure is a hoot if you're a cat! I have been closely monitoring our Cat (Dusty Dust-Bags) and the results are that if there is a chance of "coming back" in the form of an animal put me down for a Domestic Moggy!! Life consists of sleeping, stretching, sleeping, scratching, eating, yawning, sleeping & the occasional posterior cleansing. Yeah! I know you're all thinking "eugh" to the last activity but I say "Hey" Don't knock it till you've tried it!" You never see a cat hurl after!!
Moving card today is using a Pollycraft freebie from yonks ago that I've never used before. Coloured with PM's, glitter & my now defunct snow-writer, cut out & mounted with foam pads with some leafy Marianne Design die-cuts.

Entering it at -
Crafty Cardmakers - White & A Splash
Frosted Designs - Glitter
Raise The Bar - Trees

Thursday 2 December 2010

RSPB Bird Count Winter 2010 (Before Eating Xmas Cake)

Poor Things...RIP!!!

"On the Second Day of December...My True Love Said to Me...!"

"Flamin' 'Eck...It's COLD!!!"
At this point I wish to make an Official Apology to the RSPB. If next years annual Spring Bird Counting statistics throw up a decline in the Starling population I will own up now that I may be a teensy bit responsible. My Xmas Cake disaster on the lawn has almost gone. I can only guess that with all the snow about the poor buggers were desperate (and I mean...DESPERATE!!!) and finally gave in and ate IT!!
Christmas Card requests coming in thick & fast so apols' again if you're all Xmas-Carded-Out!
It's a cutie-patootie from LOTV, coloured with ProMarkers & silver glitter, the DP is from DCWV with a snowflake embellie to finish.

Entering it at -
LOTV - Few of My Favourite Things (def' ProMarkers & Glitter!!)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Christmas Checklist...

It's Official...Christmas is almost here. I have all the tell-tale of After Eight Mints securely stashed away at the back of the tallest cupboard, red Poinsettia in position (already losing its blooms!!) and several Xmas cards dangling from threads of blu-tak on the wall.
We're all going to a Disco in a couple of weeks (Oliver's football club). It's been a long time since Neil & I hit the Dancefloor, in fact I'm more of an know the sad, geeky ones in Grease who sit there tapping thir feet...that's me. But this year I think I may go mad & revive some Moves-Of-Old. I'm thinking Break-Dancing, maybe a spot of Morris Dancing or some John Travolta Jives...wot jet fink?
My Xmassy card today is for a Gothicky friend using an awesome digi from Tiddly Inks, simply coloured with ProMarkers & Stickles, with red gems on her crown. I think the DP is from DCWV with X-Cut punched snowflakes.

Entering it at -

Monday 29 November 2010

To Snow or Not to Snow!!

It's just snowed for 3 minutes! My blimmin' Christmas Cake disaster is still sitting on the lawn with a fresh scattering of stale bread & a banana & now a layer of snowy icing which I have to admit makes the whole scene look rather appetising - maybe that'll draw the birds in!
Christmas is hurtling ever closer & I think I'm almost there with my cards. This cheeky chappie is from Mo's Digital Pencil, 3-D'eed, coloured with ProMarkers & silver Stickles glitter, the DP is from Dovecraft & the snowflakes are from a confetti set.

Entering it at -
Cards For Men - Christmas
Character Cafe - Neutral with Sparkle
Crafts and Me - Dreaming of a White Christmas
Crafty Catz - Christmas
One Stop Craft Challenge - Christmas Cuties
The Crafty Pad - Snowflakes
I Did It Creations - Surprise Me!

Friday 26 November 2010

Cold Allergy Alert!

It's Friday...Woo!Hoo! Am frozen to the core today as I've just completed my final garden clearance for this year. Temperatures outside are at least minus 100 degrees but I was fooled by the glorious blue sky & the sun shining and although I've been back indoors glued to the radiator for about an hour I've still not thawed out. I think I actually have an allergy to the cold - I have all the symptons: goosebumps, chattering teeth & a runny, red nose!!!
My card today is to welcome another baby to our crazy little world. The digi is baby Emily from Prairie Fairy, I think the papers are K&Co & I've cut up one of the sheets to make my own flower embellies. Coloured with PM's with glitter sakura & stickle highights.
Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!! xxx

Thursday 25 November 2010


Flamin' 'eck! Tiz cold today. Why is thermal underwear always made in that horrid off-white, kinda chewing-gummy colour? Surely to keep any glimmer of passion alive manufacturers could make them in more attractive colours that men find alluring!!! I have put off purchasing them until this "stage" of my life but 2 hours a week freezing to death watching Oliver play footie have forced me to take drastic measures. Thankfully the thermal socks came in a more funky purple colour. Let's just hope I don't have an accident at football, get rushed off in an ambulance & then asked to strip down! (Note to Self...pack skimpy garments for emergencies!)
My house is awash with Christmas card requests at the moment, so apologies if you can't take anymore!!
This fabby is from the awesome quill of Sassy Cheryl with its dose of ProMarkers & Stickles & mounted onto paper from the Dovecraft Back To Basics collection. The snowflakes I bought about a hundred years ago (give or take a week).

Entering it at -
Cute Card Thursday - Blast From The Past (C121 - Get a Head Start)
Charisma Cardz - One For The Girls

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Novelty House Bricks For Sale!!!

This digi of Bella & Bronte from Mo's Digital Pencil is so much like me! Except I haven't got any bloomers, a pink frilly frock or a dog but I shall go out today & buy all 3 just to prove a point!!!
Snow is predicted, although those canny weather-peeps haven't actually said when, so it could be next week, next month, next year!!! to buy some attractive, passion-killer thermal under-garments...fret not, I WON'T be posting photos!!!
By the way, if anyone needs 2 spare bricks...I have a couple of Xmas Cake-style ones available...flamin' birds just won't eat it!!!
So Ms Bella is jumping for joy coz she's had the ol' ProMarker & Stickles razzle-dazzle & it's snowing pearls, DP is Dovecraft Back to Basics collection & peel-off sentiment.

Entering it at -
ABC Christmas - X for Xmas
Crafty Creations - Christmas is Coming
Digital Tuesday - Let it Snow
Fab n' Funky - Going with the Flow
For Fun Challenge - Anything Goes
Simon Says - Let it Snow
I Love Promarkers- Anything Goes with Sparkle

Tuesday 23 November 2010

What! No Cake?

Yeah! What's a party without cake...No wonder Dick Van Duck from Just Inklined looks so miffed!!
My Xmas cake disaster is still sitting on the lawn, despite me surrounding it with bread, an apple core & now a reject-banana the birds are still refusing to eat it. I think they sense something & are splitting their little bird-sides laughing!!
My card today has been given its ProMarker-fix, his glasses, hat & beak have been decoupaged. The balloons are made from an X-Cut punch with stickles string. The letters are from Doodlebug.
No rambling from me today (Hellelujah! I hear you sing!)...little boys brow to mop!
Catch yer

Entering it at -
A Spoon Full of Sugar - Anything Goes
Passion For ProMarkers - Old & New (New Digi & Old Letters & Punch)

Monday 22 November 2010

"EWE" won't believe it!!!

NO! That's not poop!! It is in fact my disasterous 2nd Christmas Cake kindly donated to the birds!!! Sophie & I were left alone in the kitchen this weekend to make another Christmas Cake & Mushroom soup. This was our error, don't cook more than one item at once...the cake should have been cooked at 160 degrees for 4 1/2 hours but somehow in the chaos that involved soup all over the floor & cooker & the pair of us crying from cutting onions for the soup, the oven got whacked up to 200 degrees and the rest is history!!
So I hope your weekends were card today is made using another one of the quirky digis from Sassy Cheryls called Christmas Lamb. I've decoupaged his shoes & Gifts, coloured with ProMarkers with stickle glitter highlights, the DP is from Papermania with X-Cut punched out snowflakes.

Entering it at -
Sassy Cheryls - Countdown to Christmas
Totally Papercrafts - Snow & Snowflakes
Totally Gorjuss - Not so Traditional Xmas
Stampin' For The Weekend - Winter Themed
Scrappy Frog - Merry Christmas
Pear Tree Designs - Colourful
Making it with Meslyn - Christmas Critters
ABC Christmas - X for Xmas

Friday 19 November 2010

Feast Your Eyes on This!!!

Yep! Not a card...but the World's Biggest Muffin-Looking-Xmas Cake!!
Once more I have proved that I really shouldn't be left alone in the kitchen. I followed the instructions but still managed to create something with a crater down the middle that would give the San Andreas Fault a run for it's money. And No... that's not an eclipse on the dark-side, it is ever-so-slightly burnt tinged on one side
 but a heap of marzipan & a humongous dollop of teeth-cracking-icing on top & no one will be any the wiser!!!
Too late to place your Xmas Cake orders this year I'm afraid!!
So no card today...I'm gonna have a day of Domestic-Goddessy-ness...obviously on a roll!!!
Have a fab weekend everybody...catch yer all next week xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 17 November 2010

New Beginnings...

Morning! Morning! Morning!
A quickie from me today, so much to do...a New Home card for a friend & her family who have recently moved house. The stamp is Dragonfly House by Hope Jacare over at Stitchy Bear, coloured with ProMarkers & Glitter Sakura. The roof has been decoupaged, the DP is from the Basic Grey Olivia collection (I may have to buy shares in BG!!), the flowers were punched using an X-Cut Floral Swirl punch with pink gem centres & the dog is also made using a punch but I don't know the brand...sorry.

Entering it at -
Cupcake Craft - House Warming
Simon Says - Sparkle

Tuesday 16 November 2010

One for the Boys!

I didn't realize I'd stood still long enough for the very talented team over at Just Inklined to get a really good image of me...but for those who know me, I think you'll agree the likeness is spot on! Of course to hide my true identity they named her Maude which is my natural Middle name but I must say I'm very pleased with the result...Boy! I'm HOT!!
So I've smothered myself in ProMarkers, decoupaged my assets & mounted myself onto a black glitter background.

Entering it at -
Bee Crafty - Christmas
Crazy 4 Challenges - Christmas
Creative Cottage - Someone Special at Christmas
Ellephantastic Challenge - Butterfly and / or Xmas
LOTV - Anything Goes
Pollycraft - Glittery Xmas
Scrappy Frog - Christmas
Stamp Something - Digi Challenge
The Crafty Pad - Christmas Sparkle
The Stampman - Christmas

Monday 15 November 2010

Blush...Fame (temporarily) last!!

Blush...Fame at last (albeit temporarily)...but Woo! Hoo! I'm not one to blow my own trumpet...but today I'm gonna!! This week over at Sassy Cheryl's I'm the Featured Sassy Friend! (I know...insane!!)
 If you're checking me out for the first time...then welcome to my wee bloglet, lovely to see you, c'mon in the water's fine!! For those of you "regulars", you'll know about my pathetic quest to get Fit, Healthy & Lose Weight and I'm sad to say in the past week my weight has gone down by a BIG FAT ZERO! a few "naughties" did pass my lips this weekend but I thought that what that tasteless Double-Choc muffin lacked in flavour would mean it lacked in calories. Off to seek "desperate measures"!!
So todays card is for my MIL using the fab Christmas Package digi from Sassy cheryl's made into a Birthday card. I've printed it out twice so that I can decoupage the bows for a bit of dimension. Coloured with ProMarkers with Stickle highlights. The gorgeous DP is from Doodlebug & Dovecrafts Back to Basics stack.

Entering it at -
Stamp Something - Digi Challenge
The Secret Crafter - Sparkle & Shine

Friday 12 November 2010

Sassy Cheryl - Show Me Thursday (On a friday!)

Sorry peeps-second posting today! Thank goodness Sassy Cheryl lives so far away...she's a persistant wotsit & has forced me to show you my humble (if not rather pathectic) craft studio / room!! That end of the sofa is in fact my craft station (I know...sad!!) Those boxes & cupboard behind are where I conceal (badly) my crafty stash. That little pile of scraps is my latest project...Yes! Only this morning I have taken delivery of some new Marianne Design leafy / flowery die-cutting thingy-m-bobs. They haven't even reached room temperature yet & I'm still in the stroking phase!!
I beg you...please... go visit the crazy woman that is Cheryl Alger AKA Sassy Cheryls and show her your bits!!!

Thursday 11 November 2010

Vegetables...the root of all evil!

It's official...cow's are NOT responsible for Global Warming! All this time Scientists have been looking in the wrong place but I...yes I, have found the solution to save us all! VEGETABLES...the root of all evil!
For those of you new to my humble blog (where have you been...tsk?), I have been on a mission for a WHOLE week (Yes! That long!) to get Fit, Healthy & lose Weight. Yesterday, having completed my weekly exercise routine of stripping beds, putting laundry in machine AND taking it out again...(I know...why on earth aren't I losing weight quicker?)we decided to try Cauliflower for tea. Amazingly, despite it tasting like an anaemic was a success...Hoorah!! it's brothers & sisters in the "field of life" it too is a fart-inducing-evil (I hasten to add...not for me...I'm way to lady-like to suffer such vulgarities and for you wondering where Neil is to back up my claim...he's unavailable at the moment!!). So get rid of Veg' and we're all saved...JOB DONE!!
My card today uses a fab free digi from the very generous Dawn over at Lost in Paper Scraps, awash with PM colouring & glitter-madness. The DP is from DCWV and the foam letters are Thickers by American crafts.

Entering it at -
Cute Card Thursday - Anything Goes
Pixie Dust Studio - Boys & Men
LOTV - Anything Goes
Crafts and Me - Glitter
Cards for Men - Animals

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Can You Feel the Love...?

Way-Hay All!! In my attempt to get Fit, Healthy & lose Weight I think it's only fair to make the rest of the family suffer too. So of late I have been forcing introducing them to vegetables that in the past they have refused to try. We have been working our way thru' the cabbage family & have settled on the the trusty Sweetheart variety as the family fav' although it does give one member of the family (NOT ME!!) wind! A unanimous conclusion that sweetcorn is in fact scraps from the Lego Manufacturers factory floor and despite rigourous chewing is still able to "re-appear" in one piece...MAGIC!!! Today we are going to try cauliflower...which I have to admit in its whole looks a bit like a scarey brain that I've gotta wield my knife thru...EEK! Will report back the outcome...
I love this digi of Stella & Gus from Bugaboo (who appear to have 50% off all digis this month!). The resemblance to Me & My OH is uncanny. Coloured with ProMarkers with essential body-parts decoupaged! The DP is from the Basic Grey Eva collection with blingy gems added.

Entering it at -
Catch the Bug (Bugaboo) - Anything Goes

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Remember Those Days...

Sigh..! Remember those days when you could take your cards in the garden to have their photos taken. The sun would shine down illuminating your efforts, no need for flash or an umbrella or the worries that a gale-force wind would whip them away over the fence!!!
A cutie-patootie today...stamp from LOTV coloured with pastel PM's & glitter dots and mounted onto a Nellie Snellen oval die-cut, the DP is actually card by Kanban that I got from Foilplay & an assortment of flowers that I've given gem centres & a drizzle of stickles glitter.

Entering it at -
LOTV - One for the Girls

Monday 8 November 2010

Scale RAGE!!!!

So Week 1 of my Get Fit, Get Healthy & Lose Weight has passed...if I were to tell you that my bathrooms scales are currently sitting in next-doors back yard wishing they'd never been born you'll know it's been a total distaster!!! Avoiding anything remotely delicious, jogging, shaving (no... PLUCKING) every hair off my body, trimming my nails, removing toe-jam & belly-button fluff & donating organs has not helped one bit!!! I am now 1lb heavier than last week!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrr...........!
Oh well...todays card is to welcome Archie into this crazy world. The stamp is from LOTV, mounted onto an embossed framed background, with a glitter peel-off border, the DP is from DCWV with a wiggly, glitter peel-off border and white card candy bloblets from Foilplay coloured to match the babys outfit.

Entering it at -
Crazy 4 Challenges - Create a Square Card
My Time to Craft - Quick n' Cute

Sunday 7 November 2010

Attitude Blog Award!!!

Have received this award from fellow blogger Patricia  - Thank you! Now I must confess 3 things that make me different to everyone else before passing it on to 5 other peeps...then I can claim a free digi stamp from Digis With Attitude- Woo! Hoo!
Here goes...I've actually asked my OH n' the Kids for help with this & these are the results from the jury...
1. I'm crazy!
2. I'm the most paranoid person you will EVER meet.
3.I'm ME (Trust me...there's no one like me!!)!!!

So onto 5 fellow bloggeroonies with "tude" to share this award with ...

Friday 5 November 2010

OK! Own Up!!!

Who keeps shaking next doors trees? C'Mon Own Up!!! Everyday I'm out there sweeping up leaves like a woman-possessed only to find a fresh layer the next day!!!
I've been waiting for someone I know to move house so I could get round to using this gorgeous digi called Fairy Tree House from Make It Crafty. I hope my friends didn't move just for me so I could make this card (EEK!). It's had the PM treatment, embossed frame, a bit of decoupaging, sequin flowers & the DP is from the Basic Grey Sugar Rush collection.

Entering it at -

Digital Tuesday - I've Been Framed
Little Red Wagon - Use Red

Thursday 4 November 2010

The Humble Peel-Off

Peel-Offs get a right knocking from some folk, but I think these silhoutte ones are just gorgeous.
OK they're absolute "wotsits" to get to lie flat but once you've cursed, screamed & threatened them a bit, they do behave and make elegant cards. This one has a pair of decoupaged birds, the DP is from the ever-so-lovely Basic Grey Indian Summer collection and it's all mounted onto a cream card where I've embossed a frame surround. Taking MIL to her neighbours funeral today so can't stop...catch yer later! xx

Entering it at -
The Secret Crafter - Anything That Flies
Bunny Zoe's Crafts - Autumn Love

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Approach Me at Your Peril!!!

Yes! Approach ME at you Peril...avoid ME like the Plague...I'm having (another) one of THOSE days!!!
Where to begin...had to buy a new car wing-mirror this morning as someone bashed into me last night, went shopping & once I'd loaded everything on the conveyor-belt the damn thing broke, had to then queue up again as I'd been over-charged on several items, got home to find a trail of rock-hard, not-so fresh cream stuck to the bottom of the fridge from a couple of weeks back (Cream Disaster Story). Heaven knows where that came from after my massive clean up operation...alas I have no sense of smell so hadn't noticed a pong!! Then as I removed one of the glass shelfs, it slipped & chipped...AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I will out & about around Stevenage & Knebworth may wish to avoid these areas!!
Onto todays card which hasn't photographed too well (bummer!) but it was a special order...a card full of mystery (MWHAHAHA!!) It had to be black (bazzill cardstock), with a red centre, a black heart which I've whizzed thru' the Cuttlebug with a Divine Swirl folder and the spooky message "Destiny"...wooo!!!
Not entering it anyway...I'd probably crash the Challenge bogs!!
Have a fab day everyone! xx

Tuesday 2 November 2010

A Special Little Girl - Pant! Puff! Splutter!

Not sure...puff!...if I can...pant!...keep up this...faint!...get fit, lose weight lark!!
Was very good yesterday & didn't let anything remotely scrummy pass my lips. Have done my mile walk / stumble this morning and then walked in the other room & there calling out to me was a Halloween Marshmallow from Olivers stash of Neighbourly Treats!! Before I knew it...I'd swallowed it...I don't even remember picking it up or putting it in my mouth...therefore I can not take responsibility for my little slip-up!
Gonna run round with the vaccum today so will do it extra fast to burn off that naughty marshmallow!!

Todays card was made for a young lady Maureen Stacey who crazily had a swimming party last week (Yes! In October) for all her school buddies including my Oliver. The two of them have been pals for years & this digi from DZ Doodles is the spitting image of her (minus her glasses). The DP is from Papermania cut into strips, the flower's have had their tips stickled & the name made from foam letters from American Crafts.

Entering it at -
Incy Wincy Designs - Anything Goes
A Spoon Full of Sugar - Relish to Embellish
Moving Along With The Times - Card for a Child

Monday 1 November 2010

Get Fit! Get Healthy! - DAY 1

Ok it's Monday, a New Month and I've decided to take action...I must Get Fit & Healthy & Lose Weight!! I need to get the willpower NOW to resist all yummy Christmas temptations before they find their way into my supermarket trolley.
So far today I've swept up a truckload of leaves & walked / jogged a mile on my cobweb dusted running-machine. I've also weighed myself (eek! or "squeak" as the scales yelled out!!!) Feel better about myself already, although my tum's already rumbling...!
So with all this in mind I have made another card for my SILs Xmas Gift Set, this time a card for a man & what better than Big Guy Jogging from Mo's Digital Pencil. I've given it a Summery feel to cheer myself up for the months ahead too! He's coloured with PM's & silver Stickles Glitter, the DP is from the Papermania Henbury Lane collection, I've made grass out of green Bazzill & the pebbles are Card Candy.

Entering it at -
Mo's Digital Challenge - Pick a season (Summer)
ABC Challenge - G for Glitter
Passion For ProMarkers - Best Friends
The Stamp Man - Cards for Men

Sunday 31 October 2010

My Halloween Kids - Run For The Hills!!!!!!

Have just taken the kids out for their annual "scare the **** outta the neighbours" night.
Left Neil at home to scare the little kids who dared to knock at our hovel!!
Happy Halloweeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 29 October 2010


After yesterdays trip to the London Dungeons you will be glad to know I have fresh underwear!!!
Having queued for just over 3 HOURS to get in, I have to say it was quite a disappointment. OK, so I pooped a bit on the boat ride & squealed like a girl on the scarey drop-ride but both lasted less than 2 mins. We were rushed from room to room, had no time to read any of the stories on the walls & so much of it was just dark rooms with a voice & some water-spray or a blast of air. So glad we had Tesco vouchers otherwise the £80 entry fee sure would have made me cry!!
The kids & Neils loved the London Eye whilst I sat on a post watching them spin round. It was quite dark by the time we arrived but it was all so beautifully lit up. This was worth the money!
My card today is for a young man that you wouldn't want to cross as he's a purple & white belt in karate (apparently that's v. good, I thought it just kept your gown from coming undone!)
I must say a big THANKYOU to Yolanda Derstine for giving this free digi.
Coloured with PM's and the DP & gems are from Papermania.

Entering it at -
Fab n' Funky - CAS
Digi Doodle Shops Best- Anything Goes
Moving Along With the Times - Card for a Child

Thursday 28 October 2010

Testing! Testing! 123!

Hope this has worked...keep trying to schedule posts to appear but they never do, so I'm trying again.
Day 3 of the kids half-term holiday was mainly spent shoving things in the washing machine & letting it work its magic. Sophie was a slave to her school assessments and Oliver made cakes. Think he's got quite a talent in the ol' kitchen that's why we named him Oliver James! Tomorrow (or is it I am confused!!) we're hopefully off to London (thankfully NOT shopping!!) but to visit the London Eye...although not me coz I can't stand heights and The London Dungeons which will probably scare the B-Jeepers out of me (note to self...take fresh knickers!!!)
My card is a House Mouse decoupage for my SILs Xmas Gift Set.
Have a great day everyone xxx
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