Friday 9 June 2017

Acrylic Pouring No 6

I made this card back at Easter time so I can't remember exactly what 'ingredients' I used to make it, but it would have involved inexpensive acrylic paints, Liquitex Pouring Medium, Floetrol or PVA glue, a few drops of hair serum and water.

If you go on YouTube and search for 'Acrylic Pouring', you will find lots of videos and tutorials on how to do this. If you scroll through my earlier attempts at Acrylic Pouring (see sidebar for links) you'll see some basic tutorials and also information on the lady who introduced me to this medium, Annemarie Ridderhof. She now has over 100 video tutorials and experiments on Youtube and I still highly recommend checking her out.

This would have been made on acrylic paper and as with all of my finished pieces, when it's dry I find a section that I can cut out to create a card centrepiece.

On this one, I added some Nuvo Crystal Drops just for some added interest.
Have a groovy weekend, I'm off to play with my old favourites...alcohol inks...Yay!


Chrissy said...

Well, I think the colours are lovely Jane and I love the added crystal drops..beautiful designs and patterns in lava!..


Kelly Lloyd said...

Wow !!!

cuilliesocks said...

Wonderful colours Jane, I love the design you manage to achieve, Kate x

Mac Mable said...

Gorgeous colour combination and love how you turn your pouring into cards. The acrylic paper is a good idea rather than boards...Thank you once again for the amazing inspiration x

Unknown said...

Hi Jane,

I have really enjoyed your adventures in acrylic pouring. They are all wonderful. I, too, have spent a LOT of time watching videos. I agree with you that Annemarie Ridderhof is a fantastic, giving artist and teacher. And I learned something from you, too. It just hadn't occurred to me to try Yupo or card stock. They are certainly less expensive than canvas! Now, if I can just stop looking at Pinterest and YouTube, and actually paint.

Thank you,
Jan Krassner, in hot, hot Florida

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